Sexy Thing (Australia)
This is a film about a young girl being sexually abused. Hard to watch at times. However, extremely wellmade and beautifully acted by the strong cast. A very subtle piece of filmmaking.
Fission (USA)
A music video of sorts that is a piece of performance art. The imagery is awesome.
5:55 (Mexico)
The sound on this film was messed up. I do not know if it was the film or the screening, but it bothered me alot. There is alot of questions in this movie that are never answered or even asked sometimes. I thought it was confusing.
Fortune Hunter (USA)
What a sweet film. Set in San Fran this is a romantic comedy taht will one day be a feature film. I just know it. It was very well directed and acted. I particularly loved the story. A very wonderful film.
Gone (USA)
A music video produced for Current TV. I call it the Al Gore channel. A nice look at the destruction of our world. Great images and beautifully shot.
Once Upon A Christmas Village (USA)
I sat down and interviewed Michael Attardi look for it on our website soon. This is the perfect Christmas special on CBS. It is the perfect gem of a christmas story that you think has been around for years. But it is an original film that is so well done and written that I have fallen in love with it. The music is great and the animation is wonderful. You should look for the feature of this film sometime in the near future.
Life in Transition (USA)
Another brilliant piece of animation. A Dali-esque landscape about the surrealness of beginings and endings. Beautiful!
Tomoko's Kitchen (USA)
OK. I admit that I really got sucked inby this film. It is extremely cute in its portrayal of every stereotype imaginable. But I liked it. The writing is very stilted. But I liked it. It's.... Oh does it matter I kinda liked it! It's a melodrama.
When I Grow Up (USA)
Another great piece of animation that has many different illustrators and techniques throughout. Drawn to interviews from the young and the old about what they will be or would have been when they grow up. Very sweet and inspiring.
Dartsville (USA)
OK! This off beat redneck comedy made me pee my pants. Seriously. A laugh riot from begining to end. I loved this movie!
Alex Scott: A Stand for Hope
This very touching documentary is about Alex Scott, a little girl who battled cancer and in the end lost her personal fight, but waged on to raise money for her own treatment and pediatric cancer research. She set out to reach her own one million dollar goal selling lemonade and with the help of her family and communities across the nation (selling lemonade), that dream became a reality. People were leaving the theatre room in tears. It was a very moving piece and I highly recommend seeing it. “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
The Fluffer
Although there is no mention of sexual orientation, you get the idea that this guy is straight, and he’s a fluffer. Fluffer-an off-stage person hired to keep a male porn star in a state of erection (Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary of English). And does this man know how to get the job done and he takes his work very seriously. He’s just your typical guy that goes to work, has a job to do and does it and is proud of what he does. Funny.
Stone Savior
This story was told through animation and was about a Gargoyle that saves his church from being bombed and in the end is immortalized in the stain glass window.
Joseph Henry
I really liked this film. A guy, who is obviously defeated, sits down on the curb of a residential street and a young kid starts to talk to him. The child seems to be fearless, the grown up is full of fear and each explains life to the other from their own perspective. You soon discover the boy is the man. The actors were really good in their portrayals and this piece was shot well. Recommended.
69 Cents
Back to the convenience store, but this one wasn’t as funny. A fight ensues after a convenience store owner gets robbed and then feels the guy whom he is now waiting on is trying to take him. The customer just happened to forget his wallet. The two go head to head and the customer just wants to make it right.
The Maxwell Multiple Climax
Multi-layered animation and live-action was the name of the game in this film about how to have multiple orgasms. Apparently orgasms cause ejaculation, not the other way around. Listen up fellas, you can now keep up with the ladies. The film seemed fairly harmless at first, but I felt a little dirty near the end as it progressed graphically… it was soft-porn by the end!
Twitch (USA)
Not the best movie to follow MawellHouse! What with teenagers engaged in sexual activity. A girl has to take care of her mother who resides in a wheelchair and the mother knows she’s having sex with her boyfriend. The girl herself is a hypochondriac and runs to the doctor constantly. Then she dives into a pool with her body engulfed in saran wrap—metaphor for protection? I must have dozed off on this one.
Y Que Cumplas Muchos Mas (Spain)
Just call it “Saw 4!” My counterparts know how much I just love gore—not! So it’s about this father and son act who likes to torture their victims. But their last victim was surprisingly like them. They chop off her limbs. She decapitates a cat and presents the head as a present. Who comes up with this $#!& ? My friends would have loved it.
Honey I’m Home (USA)
I really didn’t like this film. I didn’t feel like it offered anything new. It was so predictable from the beginning. He was either practicing for his wife/girlfriends inevitable return or he was talking to his animal. And yes, Honey, was his dog.
The Oates’ Valor (USA)
It’s a story about a nerdy slacker that hasn’t found what he’s good at, but you know he’s too smart for his own good. Life doesn’t inspire him. His dad wants him to do things he doesn’t want to. The pacing was slow for me. At the end the son recognizes that his dad was hurt by his dad’s father and the son says to his dad “I’m sorry he hit you.” His dad chases him down and embraces him.
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